Ring Of Honor Wrestling have announced that the following matches will take place as part of this week’s episode of Ring Of Honor TV on HonorClub.

— Samoa Joe (c) vs. Colt Cabana for the ROH World Television Championship.

— El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Gringo Loco.

— Athena (c) vs. Heather Reckless in a ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground Match.

— Penta El Zero Miedo (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. Nick Comoroto.

— The Iron Savages (Bronson & Boulder) vs. Ren Jones & Logan Lynch.

— Willow Nightingale vs. Robyn Renegade.

— The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. Action Andretti & Darius Martin.

— Lance Archer vs. Jah-C.

— Brian Cage vs. Joey Jett.

— The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vs. Lee Johnson & Cole Karter.

— Konosuke Takeshita vs. Lee Moriarty.