All Elite Wrestling have confirmed that the following matches will take place as part of tomorrow night’s episode of AEW Dark Elevation on their official YouTube channel, and in select international markets via

— Luther, Bulk Nasty, Tito Oric, Jake Omen & RC Dupree vs. The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Alex Reynolds, Alan “5” Angels & 10).

— Konosuke Takeshita vs. Brandon Cutler.

— Julia Hart vs. Kris Statlander.

— The Steel City Brawler vs. Tony Nese (w/’Smart’ Mark Sterling).

— Minoru Suzuki vs. QT Marshall (w/Aaron Solo).

— Vince Valor vs. John Silver (w/-1).

— Max Caster (w/Anthony Bowens) vs. Penta Oscuro (w/Alex Abrahantes).

— Ruby Soho, Anna Jay & Skye Blue vs. Nyla Rose, Emi Sakura & The Bunny (w/Vickie Guerrero).