The following results are from a recent AAW: Professional Wrestling Redefined event. The event took place on February 1st, 2025 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois.
Singles Match
Isaiah Moore defeated Cappuccino Jones.
6 Man Tag Team Match
Russ Jones, Rafael Quintero & Schaff defeated Ryan Matthias, KJ Reynolds & Aaron Roberts.
Singles Match
Mike Bennett defeated Ace Perry.
Singles Match
Stallion Rogers vs. Gnarls Garvin was declared a no contest.
Singles Match
Zeeko defeated Starman Harley Rock.
Chi-Town Rumble Match
Davey Vega defeated Tootie Lynn, Aaron Roberts, Ace Perry, Starman Harley Rock, Zeeko, Anthony Catena, Axel Rico, Blair Onyx, Stallion Rogers, Silas Young, Shazza McKenzie, Bruss Hamilton, Shane Hollister, Shain Boucher, Cappuccino Jones, Chico Suave, Dante Leon, Darren Fly, David Ali, Deonn Rusman, Sean Logan, Schaff, Ryan Matthias, Russ Jones, Robert Anthony, Egotistico Fantastico, Erik Surge, Isaiah Moore, Jah-C, Nate Kobain, Mike Outlaw, Joe Alonzo, John E. Bravo, Hartenbower, KJ Reynolds, Koa Laxamana and Mike Bennett.
Street Fight For The AAW Women’s Championship
Maggie Lee defeated Sierra to become the new Champion.
AAW Heavyweight Championship Match
Ren Jones defeated Matt Riddle to become the new Champion.