The following results are from a recent AAW: Pro Wrestling Redefined live event. The event took place on November 3rd, 2017 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois.

6 Pack Challenge Match
DJZ defeated Austin Theory, Stephen Wolf, Curt Stallion, Myron Reed and AR Fox.

Tag Team Match
Chuck Taylor & Colt Cabana defeated The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter).

AAW Women’s Championship Tournament First Round Match
Delilah Doom defeated Veda Scott.

AAW Women’s Championship Tournament First Round Match
Kylie Rae defeated Su Yung.

Singles Match
Michael Elgin defeated Shane Strickland.

Fans Bring The Weapons Match
PACO defeated Connor Braxton.

Singles Match
Trevor Lee defeated Eddie Kingston.

AAW Tag Team Championships Match
Besties In The World (Mat Fitchett & Davey Vega) defeated Scarlet And Graves (Zachary Wentz & Dezmond Xavier) to become the new AAW Tag Team Champions.

Tag Team Match
Jeff Cobb & David Starr defeated OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist).

AAW Heavyweight Championship Match
Rey Fenix (c) defeated Josh Alexander. This was Alexander’s return to AAW as he was not able to perform in the United States for over a year due to visa issues. Post-match, as Rey Fenix celebrated in the ring, the lights went out and when they came back on, Jimmy Jacobs made his way to the ring. Jacobs confronted Fenix, telling him that they have never met and now he has the chance to properly introduce himself. Jimmy said that at his previous job, they all knew about the Lucha Brothers and their reputation, but know that he is back in AAW, this is the house that he built as he pointed to the banner of past AAW legends. Jimmy said that when he was building up this company, Rey Fenix was not even strapping on his wrestling boots and he is back in AAW to reclaim his AAW Heavyweight Championship before issuing a challenge for the November 25th event. Fenix accepted and told Jacobs to beware of Cero Animo as the two then got into a shoving contest before Jimmy pulled out the railroad spike, leading to Fenix backing away to close the show.