The following results are from a recent All Japan Pro Wrestling live event. The event took place on May 12th, 2018 at the Namura Hall in Nara, Japan.

Singles Match
Osamu Nishimura defeated Keiichi Sato.

Tag Team Match
Takao Omori & Menso-re Oyaji defeated Jun Akiyama & Togyo.

Tag Team Match
Evolution (Hikaru Sato & Suwama) defeated Koji Iwamoto & TAJIRI.

Tag Team Match
Shuji Ishikawa & Tiran Shisa defeated Yohei Nakajima & Shikusawa Z.

AJPW World Junior Heavyweight Title Match
Atsushi Aoki (c) defeated Atsushi Maruyama.

8 Man Tag Team Match
Kento Miyahara, Naoya Nomura, Churaumi Saber & Yoshitatsu defeated Dylan James, The Bodyguard, Zeus & Senkuma.