Major League Wrestling sent out the following:

T-Hawk of OWE challenges Alex Hammerstone for National Title at FIGHTLAND February 1 in Philly

Tickets start at $15 at

In a historic eighth title defense, National Openweight Champion Alex Hammerstone vows to show he is the “golden gaijin” as he unleashes an “international showcase” on his challenger, Japan’s T-Hawk. But will the ace of OWE overwhelm the champ with speed, finesse and fury in Philly?

MLW today announced a National Openweight Title Match: Alex Hammerstone (champion) vs. T-Hawk for MLW: FIGHTLAND at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia on Saturday February 1. The event will be a MLW FUSION TV taping for beIN SPORTS.

Tickets start at $15 at:

A championship title bout has been inked with international implications as Alex Hammerstone defends the title against T-Hawk of Oriental Wrestling Entertainment.

A world class wrestler, T-Hawk, is nicknamed “Power Master” for a reason – his strength and arsenal of innovative power moves are second to none. But don’t be fooled as T-Hawk dizzies adversaries with rapid-fire snap submission moves that could quickly turn into an aerial attack moments later. With successful stints in Mexico, Japan and China, T-Hawk now looks to secure his first major championship in North America.

A decorated Japanese competitor, T-Hawk has won numerous titles in Dragon Gate as well as the Wrestle-1 championship. Employing moves such as Night Ride and Veracruz, T-Hawk may just well be the x-factor in the #STRONGHEARTS team.

With Japan’s top ranked T-Hawk making a historic bid for the title, the Dynasty’s Hammerstone will be tested both in technique, skill and speed.

Will T-Hawk’s dynamic arsenal be enough to topple “Muscle Mountain”?

Will Hammerstone stomp out yet another challenger?

Find out LIVE in Philly! Buy tickets at