In an interview with, Kurt Angle and Jeremy Borash both commented on the potential of TNA Wrestling launching their own network at some point in the future.

In regards to the Network, Angle had the following to say, “Are we going to see a TNA network soon? No. But we have a lot of room for growth and we have a lot of ability with our roster. We’ve taken chances, we’ve made mistakes, and we’re still here. That shows that we’re here for the long haul.”

Meanwhile, Borash had the following to say, “We have always been a company that has evolved and advanced with baby steps, and not to do what our competition is doing for the sake of it. We do what is best for TNA Wrestling first and foremost, and if that means a streaming subscription service is something that our fan base demands, we will follow suit accordingly.”

The interview is available in full at this link.