The following results are from a recent Pro Wrestling BASARA event. The event took place on May 23rd, 2023 at the Shin-kiba 1st RING in Tokyo, Japan.

6 Man Tag Team Match
Ryota Nakatsu, Takumi Tsukamoto & FUMA defeated Minoru Fujita, Yasu Urano & Ryuichi Sekine.

Triple Threat Match
Tatsuhiko Yoshino defeated Takato Nakano & Ryu Goma.

Itadaki Tournament First Round Match
SAGAT defeated Lil Kraken.

Itadaki Tournament First Round Match
Trans-Arm Hiroshi vs. Leo Isaka went to a double countout.

Itadaki Tournament First Round Match
Daiki Shimomura defeated Daichi Kazato.

Itadaki Tournament First Round Match
Isami Kodaka defeated Shiori Asahi.