Former WWE Champion Big E took part in a pre-SummerSlam media conference on Friday and discussed several topics, including the potential of an in-ring return, noting that some doctors have advised him that he should not wrestle again.

“We did the year check-up and all that stuff looked great, but on the other side, I talked to spine specialists, people who have worked on other people in the company and done their fusions and they said like hey, I would not wrestle again if I were you.

I don’t really have a timeline right now, I’m just really grateful to not have any nerve pain. My strength is great, legit no issues whatsoever, so it’s just something that I want to be smart about and make the very best decision for my life. Hopefully, I’d like to have a lot of healthy life ahead of me, unfortunately right now, I have no answers, I feel great, but yeah, I have nothing.”