The following results are from a recent Big Japan Pro Wrestling event. The event took place on July 22nd, 2023 at the Tokyo Rokugo-dori Fureai Square Special Ring in Tokyo, Japan.

Singles Match
Tristan Archer defeated Kota Sekifuda.

Tag Team Match
Yasufumi Nakanoue & Daichi Hashimoto defeated Masaki Morihiro & Yuki Ishikawa.

Tag Team Match
Ryuji Ito & Hideyoshi Kamitani defeated Kazuki Hashimoto & So Daimonji.

Battle Royal
Yuki Ishikawa defeated Yasufumi Nakanoue, Daichi Hashimoto, Tristan Archer, So Daimonji, Hideyoshi Kamitani, Ryuji Ito, Masaki Morihiro, Kazuki Hashimoto and Kota Sekifuda.