During an interview with PWKGW, Booker T spoke on CM Punk’s departure from WWE.  While not mentioning Punk by name, Booker gave the following advise:

“Well it’s real simple, the advice I would give that person you were talking about, if we are talking about the “kid” who worked my PWA show years ago, and saw how good he was and how much potential not to mention the talent he already possessed years ago, ya know it reminds me of something my mother used to tell me when I was a boy, if your 99% about something you keep your mouth shut, if your 100% about something speak up 100% time! It’s really hard to say when someone is speaking up 100% and their integrity is on the line, you deal with the consequences, if your only 99% you keep it shut.”

Booker, a multiple-time WCW Champion, was then asked about recent speculation that former WCW and TNA star Sting was close to signing an agreement to work for WWE.

“I would hope so, I really think it’s something he should’ve did some years ago, he had his reasons why he didn’t, he’s a religious man, I don’t know if that’s why he hasn’t yet, he was a cornerstone of WCW. He deserves to be mentioned as such.”

Booker’s appearance on the radio show was to promote his book, which he said will chronicle his journey from WCW to becoming a WWE Hall Of Fame inductee.

“Well yea it’s going to chronicle my time in WCW, to WWE, to the Hall of Fame, so many people wondered what was going through my mind at this time or that time.. Like when WWE showed up in Florida to take over WCW. What really happened years ago between Sid Vicious/Arn Anderson, what went wrong here or there. A lot of stuff like that people want to know more about.”