In a recent episode of his Hall Of Fame podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Booker T discussed several topics, and revealed that he recently guest coached at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida.

“I’m in Orlando right now, I stuck around here for a minute and got a little extra work in with some of the guys down here at the Performance Center. It’s cool, this is my passion, being able to be a part of this business this many years later, and then to work with the young guys that’s going to be the next generation for me is so freaking awesome.

I’m living my best life right now, I really am, never in a million years did I think that I would still be in this business, but now, being a part of NXT and being a part of the next generation of superstars lives, I don’t like patting myself on the back or anything like that, but it’s cool to have these young guys who have looked at me, and looked up to me for so many years, and now, they get a chance to work with me and they see that I’m kind of a really cool dude. It’s really, really awesome, I spent yesterday and today working with a few of the guys here at NXT.

I’m trying to teach these guys psychology and trying to give them knowledge, more so, what I need is these guys to ask questions, I need them to want to know what makes this work, or why that doesn’t work today, as opposed to it working back then, that kind of stuff, so we can really dive into the nuts and bolts of the artistry of what this thing is really, really all about, because that’s what I’ve always loved about the wrestling business, the artistry of it, the Shakespearean nature of it, the Romeo and Juliet side of it where it’s going to be an encore, it’s going to be a bravo, it’s going to be a curtain call at the end of the night.

For me, that’s what I’m thinking about as far as trying to bring my actors up to speed, Denzel Washington didn’t start by being the guy that you saw in Training Day, he was just a guy that was just standing there, doing nothing, saying nothing, but he was studying, waiting and preparing. Preparation is the only luck, so that’s what we’re thinking about right now, prep work.”

The full episode is available at this link.