Two-time WWE Hall of Famer Booker T revealed in the latest edition of his Hall Of Fame podcast that he is currently training ahead of the WWE Royal Rumble pay-per-view, which takes place in his hometown of Houston, Texas and also teased a potential match against The Revival (Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson).
“I’m trying to get myself in shape because the Royal Rumble is going to be right here in Houston, Texas. We’ve got people calling me out, I’ve still got something left in the tank, I just checked it a couple of weeks ago and it’s got about a quarter tank left and I think I’m ready to use it. On a quarter tank, I can get about 200 miles, I think I can do the Rumble, as well as take that challenge as far as The Revival calling me and my brother [Harlem Heat] out. One of The Revival did a spinaroonie this weekend and it sucked, I’d give it a 2 out of 10.
I’m still waiting on my invitation. If I would have gotten it, I would tell you, I have not gotten my invitation. If they don’t tell me in the next week, I ain’t doing it, if they don’t let me know within the next seven days, don’t call, I’m going to stop training after that, I’m going to stop putting in real hard work, don’t call me at the last minute and I’m not ready, my mind has got to be right. I don’t want to put all that work in for nothing.”
As always, you can listen to Booker T’s Hall of Fame podcast at this link.