Speaking through his official Facebook page, Chris Jericho noted that he is giving fans a unique opportunity for his upcoming book, the chance to write the foreword.


I want YOU to write the foreword for my next BOOK! All you have to do to win is compose up to a 1,000 word essay on why you are a fan of mine, what I’ve mean to your life, how my previous books have influenced you, basically whatever you want to write about! I’ll choose one winner and that person’s foreword will be included in my next book, due to be released in September of this year.

Email your entries to jerichoforewords@gmail.com and I’ll read them all and make my decision. The winner won’t be announced until the book is pulished, so it will be quite the surprise! Also make sure to include your name and where you are from. Happy writing and good luck to all of you! (By emailing your entry you give permission for it to be used for the book. Entries may be edited and must be submitted by February 24th, 2014).