In a recent interview with Justin Walker of 8 News Now in Las Vegas, WWE superstar Cody Rhodes revealed that he has signed a new contract that extends past his 40th birthday.

38-year-old Rhodes, who had previously stated that he had planned to retire from in-ring competition at the age of 40 was questioned on those plans shifting and had the following to say.

“I can tell you forty is out of the question, just because, not to like give you a scoop, because it was widely reported, but I did sign a new contract with WWE and it extends beyond my 40th birthday.

I will say that the plan is still, when it’s time to step out, to step out without it being kind of a painful process, solely because I saw my dad as an old man wrestler, and he loved it, he enjoyed it, but as his son, it was hard to see, and my daughter, she’s two going on three here shortly, there does have to be a time, just like he did with us, where I have to be home all the time and be there with her.

It’s not forty anymore, but I don’t know, I’ll update the number, plus I hit this prime run late in the game, so I often forget that I’m nearing 40.”

The full interview is available at this link.