In a recent interview with Busted Open Radio, Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes discussed several topics, including the potential of having an on-screen manager in WWE.

“One of the reasons I liked having Arn Anderson around me was the same reason I would have loved to have my Dad around me, because I’ll tell you I’m lucky and I’ll tell you how hard I work, and I’ll tell you how grateful I am, and that is true, but it was nice to have a guy over my shoulder say what you just said, say we’re not apologizing for greatness, mediocrity loves company and we’re not joining that company, like it was nice to have that voice in your ear.

It was something I actually missed when Logan and I were doing this contract signing, to see him flanked by so many people, I don’t know, maybe I’m looking for the classic wrestling manager to join me on this title reign, and I don’t know who that is, or what that is, but it just felt like I wouldn’t mind someone to holler the stuff that you just did.”

The full interview is available at this link.