– Below is the latest post by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on his official Twitter account, regarding the tragic death of Paul Walker:

– Production of the Fast 7 movie has been indefinitely suspended, but the film will not be scrapped. According to “The Wrap”, since the film was not completed, the producers are considering starting the project over from scratch. Cost wouldn’t be a factor because Walker’s death would be covered by the studio’s insurance policy.

– Universal Studios released this statement today regarding shutting down production:

“Right now, all of us at Universal are dedicated to providing support to Paul’s immediate family and our extended Fast & Furious family of cast, crew and filmmakers. At this time we feel it is our responsibility to shut down production on Fast & Furious 7 for a period of time so we can assess all options available to move forward with the franchise. We are committed to keeping Fast & Furious fans informed, and we will provide further information to them when we have it. Until then, we know they join us in mourning the passing of our dear friend Paul Walker.”