In a recent interview with Steve Fall of NBC Sports Boston, WWE NXT UK talent Dani Luna discussed several topics, including her recent WWE NXT UK departure.

“I was released, I don’t want to set any of those rumours alight, I was released under very nice terms, I wasn’t fired, it was just a case of what they’re doing at the moment doesn’t fit what I am doing at the moment kind of thing. Obviously, I was in good company, so I can’t be too upset, I still have all my friends.

I don’t know if blindsided is the word, it’s just I guess NXT Europe is planning to be such a bigger thing than NXT UK ever was, so to do that, they have to take these big steps and I understand that. If down the line they’re like, oh we want Dani Luna in NXT Europe, then great news, but until then, I’m just me.”

The interview is available in full at this link.