In an interview with The Huffington Post regarding his DDP Yoga program, former WWE & WCW superstar Diamond Dallas Page commented on how he was introduced to doing yoga, mixing yoga position and rehab techniques, appearing on Shark Tank and more.

Highlights of the interview are below:

On being introduced to yoga: “Originally, when I was introduced to yoga, I kept resisting, I kept saying that I wouldn’t be caught dead doing yoga. Years ago, there was absolutely no way, but that was my ignorance, I was very frustrated with it. Think about it, people are twisting themselves up like pretzels, right?”

On mixing yoga positions and rehab techniques: “I started to mix the yoga positions and the rehab techniques, then I added old-school calisthenics, the push-ups, squats and crunches. DDP Yoga became a kick-a** cardiovascular workout while strengthening your core with minimal joint impact. I put my own style on it and it sits by itself.”

On appearing on Shark Tank: “I loved being on there, I loved being able to show people what DDP Yoga is all about. It took five interviews to get there, they are real stickers. Here is how strong that show is. In six days, we did one million dollars in sales, that’s insane. From the re-broadcast alone, we made $200,000 in sales.”

On his clubbing days: “I did all of the shot specials, yeah, the 75 cent kamikazes, man, I partied even at 35 when I got into wrestling, but way less. When I blew my back out at age 42, I said, “Okay, I’ve got to be more concerned about food and health.”

The interview is available in full at this link.