VOC Nation sent out the following:

Former WWE performer and current Impact producer D Lo Brown joined VOC Nation Wrestling with History to discuss the future of Impact, the challenge of writing storylines in today’s political climate, and much more.

You can hear the entire interview at http://vocnation.com.

Here are some highlights of what D’Lo had to say:

On his start with the WWE: “I’ve done a lot of stuff in the WWE before I was D’Lo Brown. My first appearance would have been somewhere in June of 1994. I’ve dropped Jerry Lawler on top of his throne, I’ve gotten beat up by Earthquake, Yokozuna squashed me once…”

On being part of Aces and Eights: “I was never supposed to be part of the group. When all of the guys were out there in masks beating people up, I was an extra body to go out there and make the beat downs look good. Eventually, they moved me into the role because they knew I could handle the role.”

On the future of Impact Wrestling: “Luckily (TNA/Impact) is with better management now, and TNA became Impact and is in a much better place than it was before. I am very much involved in the office of Impact now; I’m a backstage producer and part of talent relations. The long term goal for Impact is to become as big of a property as we can, draw as many fans as we can, and carve our niche out and own our little place in sports entertainment. The goal is to put more eyes on our product.”

On whether the Nation of Domination would work today: “I don’t think today’s culture would allow a group of militants like we were to exist and not be struck down by different parents groups or whatever. It was controversial then, and in today’s politically correct climate I don’t think it would work today. I wish it could; it would be amazing to see a new version of it, but I don’t think it would fly today. The backlash would be so severe right now, so it wouldn’t be worth the effort. Sponsors and networks don’t want any part of that today, so I think it would be met with a ton of resistance.”

On controversy being OK on TV shows and movies, but not in wrestling: “Wrestling is what it is; it’s not real life and it’s no different than a movie. It doesn’t seem fair that we can’t do controversial characters like that in wrestling and use them to draw ratings and crowds. Movies or TV shows get away with it and there’s not that backlash. Even when the Iron Sheik beat Hogan, it was right when Iran was being a pain in America’s (butt). I don’t understand why we can’t get away with that today. We’re swimming upstream (today regarding creative).”

On WWE giving prominent roles to Bruce Prichard, Eric Bischoff, and Paul Heyman: “I think it was a good move for them to bring Eric, Paul, and Bruce back. They’re creative enough to help the product. They can rekindle some of the magic that Raw and Smackdown have lost over the last few years. There are wrestling fans out there; they didn’t disappear, they’re just turned off from the product.”

On what he learned from Jim Ross and Bruce Prichard regarding talent relations: “Be patient with talent. Listen to them; listen to their input and their feedback. Talent are not just robots. They know themselves better than anyone else. They are individuals that want to have part in the creative process and have input on their character. As long as you connect with them on a personal level, it is very easy to work with talent. As long as you explain what your vision is, listen to their vision, and find a happy medium, it (can be) easy.”

On which current performer is capable of being the next big major star: “Tessa Blanchard is a rock star. Male or female, she is one of the best talents in the industry right now. She is a mega star waiting to happen. Just like Chyna, she doesn’t seem out of place in the ring even with men.”

Wrestling with History airs live on VOC Nation every Wednesday night at 9:30PM ET with legendary guests and listener calls. Wrestling with History features VOC Nation founder “The Voice of Choice” Bruce Wirt, Albert “AC Smooth”, and former convention and appearance promoter Wrestlingmarx Erik. The VOC Nation Radio Network was born out of AM Radio in Philadelphia, and has grown into one of the most successful independent Internet radio networks in the world. Featuring guests from wrestling personalities such as Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Joey Styles, Matt Hardy, and Mick Foley, to entertainers like Lou Ferrigno, The Insane Clown Posse, Roberta Flack, and Kristy Swanson, VOC Nation has given listeners insightful programming for nearly 10 years.

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Link to the interview here: https://www.stitcher.com/s?eid=62949859&refid=stpr

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