In a recent interview as part of The Extreme Life Of Matt Hardy podcast, EC3 discussed several topics, including his decision to return to the WWE NXT brand, his call-up to the WWE main roster, his release from the company and more.

“You hear people say I never got my chance, I was in prison, blah blah blah. I hate that, I despite it, but at the same time, the only person that you can blame, and this is control your narrative, is yourself.

When I look back, I remember coming back and I was on top of the world, IMPACT was great, I was able to create myself, NXT was going to be good and we started off with a five-star match, I had all the confidence and gusto, but even through the process of NXT, I started second guessing things, because this coach tells you this, this agent tells you this and you allow that to happen, but you let it slide.

Then, you’re randomly called-up and it doesn’t feel like it’s for a reason, it kind of feels like it’s a rash decision and they don’t have something for you, but you’re going to go into the fire.

I remember saying to myself, because I know the atmosphere in WWE, and I’m friends with the people there, just how negative they were about everything. I’m like, no matter what, I will not be negative, I will be positive, I will push forward, I will strive and I will fight for everything, and the second I was there I lost that fight, because I was like, it doesn’t matter, and I fell into my own trap of negativity and the other negativity that’s laid by others, so if I could go back, even if I would have got thrown out of the building, fired, shot out of a cannon, launched from a catapult into the f*****g sun, I would have, if I just did it the way I wanted to and fought harder for myself, I could have accepted those consequences as opposed to the way it did, injured, lost, wasn’t being used anyway, fired for a worldwide pandemic.

You can’t live with regret, but my regret was not fighting for myself, because I could have been proud of myself, regardless of what happened.”

The interview is available in full at this link.