In a recent interview with PWInsider, former WWE superstar EC3 discussed several topics, including how his release from the company back in April allowed him to get creative.

“I would say me personally, everyone’s different, but it inspired me to have 90 days to create something unfiltered, unfettered, something directly my own, something that has my stamp on it, my heart, my soul, my passion. I have some help with my partner as well helps me on creative aspects, but this is the one time, what do I see may be coming? How do I get there? How can I tell that story while still corporately funded, in theory, and be okay to take a couple risks, but make something that I can present to, whether it’s fans, to the next people that may hire me?

This is who I am. This is what I want to do. Show it to the world so they know, ‘Okay, I see where he’s kind of going with this.’ Then when it goes somewhere else, there’s give and takes you’re going to have on the creative endeavor with people that you work for. So I just wanted to create something in 90 days that I was proud of, that I was happy with, I won. I did seriously challenge myself to say in 90 days, I could create something creatively that shows, in my opinion, the creative process in the company is broken. I can do it with myself, my mate, a Sony handheld, and some forthright some articulate words.

I can’t even say the words right. Ah, concussions. No, articulation, words, my story, wow, with something true and personal and real to me, and hopefully it applies to others. If not, it’s a cool wrestling character. If it’s nothing, people don’t like it, it’s fine too. This is what I’d like to see. This is who I think I am. This is the person I am. Let’s see what I can do.”

The interview is available in full at this link.