In an interview with WWE Digital, WWE Hall of Famer Edge discussed his Royal Rumble Match victory, the in-ring return of Christian as a surprise entrant and more.

On his Royal Rumble Match victory: “If you had told me four years ago that I’d be in the Royal Rumble, enter the match first, win it and go on to WrestleMania, I feel like I still need to pinch myself and feel like I’m going to wake up. It still doesn’t make sense and for Christian to also be in there, if you wrote this as a script for a Hollywood movie, they’d say it’s impossible, it can never happen, yet here we are.”

On Christian’s in-ring return: “I still don’t get it, I think I’m going to stop trying to get it and just enjoy it, I’m going to stop analyzing why and how, f*** it, it’s happening and it’s awesome and I feel great and I have my best friend back with me again, I couldn’t be happier.”