The following results are from a recent EVE Riot Grrrls Of Wrestling event. The event took place on June 19th, 2022 at 229. London in London, England.

Thanks to Wrestling-News.Net reader Dean McAllister for the following results.

SHE-1 2022 Block C Match
Takumi Iroha defeated Session Moth Martina [Replacement For Safire Reed].

SHE-1 2022 Block A Match
Alex Windsor defeated Rhio.

SHE-1 2022 Block B Match
Kasey defeated Jetta.

SHE-1 2022 Block B Match
Rhia O’Reilly defeated Laura Di Matteo.

SHE-1 2022 Block C Match
Emersyn Jayne defeated Charlie Morgan.

SHE-1 2022 Block A Match
Veny defeated Skye Smitson (w/Nightshade).