The following results are from a recent Freelance Wrestling event. The event took place on April 13th, 2024 at the Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois and aired live on IWTV.

6 Way Scramble Match
Darius Latrell defeated Wes Barkley, Chico Suave, El Torero, Gunner Brave and Alfonso Gonzalez.

Singles Match
Trevor Outlaw (w/Frank The Clown) defeated Regan Lydale.

Triple Threat Tag Team Match
Shane Mercer & Craig Mitchell (w/James Russo) defeated Stone Ambrose & Robbie Reeves and The Philly Marino Experience (Philly Collins & Marino Tenaglia).

Intergender Singles Match
Kylie Rae defeated Koda Hernandez.

Tag Team Match
Sabin Gauge & Isaias Velazquez defeated Davey Bang & August Matthews.

Triple Threat Match For The Freelance Legacy Championship
Darin Corbin (c) defeated Sonny Kiss and Effy.

Freelance World Championship Match
Mustafa Ali defeated Storm Grayson (c) via disqualification.