In a recent interview with Women’s Wrestling Talk, Gail Kim, who is the Head of Talent Relations for IMPACT Wrestling discussed several topics, including the possibility of IMPACT Wrestling holding more international shows, noting that the company have held conversations regarding that potentially happening.

“I mean, we are talking about doing them more internationally, that’s basically the next step that we would love to go, because we used to go to the U.K. and do some tours, and we were talking about that before COVID, and then, when COVID hit, it really shut things down.

It felt like just re-building all over again, but I feel like now we’re in the swing of things, and these shows are being planned and hopefully we’ll get to see some more special shows in terms of maybe some joint ventures again, you never know, all-women pay-per-views and hopefully, some international tours, because we’ve got some incredible U.K. fans over there, and we never get to see them any more so, I’d love to see them.”

The full interview is available at this link.