Ring Of Honor Wrestling sent out the following:


At just 20 years old, Hazuki was the youngest competitor in the tournament to crown the first-ever Women of Honor Champion! Hazuki is a product of the Stardom Dojo and the training has already paid dividends. Hazuki has already achieved championship success in Stardom, as she was currently one-third of the Artist of Stardom Champions, a six-woman tag team championship, as a member of Queen’s Quest with international mega-stars Io Shirai and Viper!

Much has changed since the last time Hazuki was seen by Women of Honor fans stateside. Hazuki was forced by STARDOM draft to join the villainous Oedo Tai and vacate her championship and was none too pleased about it! But in the ring, Hazuki still impresses with her devastating diving senton splash from the top and has a tremendous in-ring acumen for being just 20-years old! Hazuki has tested herself against the world’s best and is ready to return to Women of Honor!

This dynamic athlete was the youngest of the 16 stars that competed in the tournament to crown the first-ever Women of Honor Champion! She returns with youthful energy and explosiveness and will bring those to both the Best in the World HonorClub VIP and Pay Per View event on June 29 at 9 PM and the following night’s international television taping in Fairfax, VA!

Tickets remain for Baltimore and Fairfax – don’t miss your opportunity to see the stars of ROH, NJPW, and STARDOM LIVE!