Lucky Pro Wrestling sent out the following:

Lucky Pro Wrestling returns to the Elks Hall in Clinton MA (128 School Street) Saturday night, May 3rd. Doors open at 7pm and open bell is at 8pm. Tickets are only $15 on sale at Corner Sports in Clinton MA, online or at the door the night of the event.

Main Event for the LPW Heavyweight Champion:

Mikey Webb puts the title on the line against the number 1 contender Dijak.

Mikey Webb won the LPW title in December after win the Lucky Lottery tournament. On March 28 Dijak first make short work out of 2 opponents and then main an open challenge in which former ECW Champion Justin Credible answered the call. After defeating Credible LPW management had to make Dijak the title match on May 3rd.

Special single elimination 3 Way Dance:

Former WWE Tag Team Champion Kenny Dykstra vs “Bloodstone” Anthony Stone vs. “Riot” Kellan Thomas.

#1 Contenders Match. Winner Gets a LPW Title match on June 20:

Brian Fury vs Todd Sople.

The first order of the new VP of Lucky Pro Wrestling Brian Cairo was to name Todd Sople number 1 contender for the LPW title and was setting up Sople to wrestle for the Championship on Friday June 20 in Hudson MA. However President Jim Burgoyne would not allow someone to just be handed a title match. So it has been signed High Society member Todd Sople will have to face the face of New England wrestling “Firebrand” Brian Fury on Saturday May 3rd and the winner will face whoever the LPW Champion is after Webb vs Dijak on Friday June 20 at the Elks Hall in Hudson MA

Cam Zagami (w/ Davienne) in the currently the biggest match squares off against the newest member of the High Society Jason Blade.

Vernon Vicallo (w/ Davienne) vs High Society member “All Good” Anthony Greene

Special ladies match
Amanda Fox vs Nikki Valentine

Native American Tomahawk vs Devil’s Reject

Discounted ticket will be on sale for LPW Star-Clash on June 20 at the Hudson MA Elks Hall featuring a tag action with first time tag partners Hurricane Shane Helms & Super Nova and former TNA Knockouts Daffney and Taeler Hendrix.

For more information please visit: