AAA announced yesterday that the annual Heroes Inmortales show will take place on 10/18 at Gimnasio Miguel Hidalgo de Puebla. The only match known for the card so far is Hijo del Texano finally defending his AAA Mega Heavyweight Title against Psycho Clown. That night is lucha heavy as WWE is running Arena Ciudad and EMLL at Arena Mexico both in Mexico City.


CMLL 9/8 – Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. Hijo del Javier Cruz & El Indigo beat Pirana & El Tapatio
2. Black Metal & El Idolo defeated Acertijo & Jocker by DQ.
3. Torneo por el Occidental Tag Titles – Block A: Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno beat El Gallo & Leo to advance. Other participants: Los Hippies (Martin y Tony Escobedo) and Demonio Maya & Demonio Rojo
4. Angel de Oro/Mistico II/Rey Cometa defeated Felino/Misterioso II/Negro Casas by DQ.

CMLL 9/8 – Arena Mexico
1. Guerrero Negro Jr. & Herodes Jr. beat Metatron & Robin
2. Arkangel de la Muerte/Hooligan/Nitro defeated Metatron & Robin
3. Princesa Blanca/Princesa Sugei/La Seductora beat Dalis la Caribena/Estrellita/Marcela with Sugei going over Estrellita and challenged her to a shot at her Mexican National Femenil Title afterwards which was accepted.
4. Lightning Match: Polvora defeated Diamante
5. Brazo de Plata/Delta/Fuego beat Ephesto/Niebla Roja/Shigeo Okumura
6. Mr. Niebla/Pierroth/Rey Escorpion defeated Marco Corleone/Thunder/Titan when Niebla fouled and pinned Marco.

IWRG 9/8 – Arena Naucalpan
1. Astro Rey Jr. & Emperador Azteca beat Los Fulgores I y II
2. Dragon Celestial/Imposible/La Sadica defeated Seiya/Cristal/Bugambilla del Norte
3. Centvrion/Dr. Cerebro/Veneno beat Hijo del Mascara Ano Dos Mil/Rayan/Spartan when Veneno fouled and pinned MA2K.
4. IWRG Intercontinental Welterweight Title: Dinamic Black battled Golden Magic to a double countout after both men couldn’t get back in the ring after dives. Golden Magic demanded a rematch afterwards.
5. Mexican State Trios Titles: Los Gringos VIP (Avisman/Apolo Estrada Jr./Hijo del Diablo) defeated Pirata Morgan/Hijo del Pirata Morgan/Pirata Morgan Jr. to win the titles when after fouling Pirata Sr., Diablo faked being fouled by him to get the DQ. Pirata Sr. was extremely angry afterwards and demanded a rematch.

WWL 9/6 – Gimnasio Nazaro Ortiz Garcia de Saltillo (50% full house)
1. Hijo del Canek/Heddi Karaoui/Zumbi beat Laredo Kid/Super Laredo/Vengador Radioactivo
2. Apolo/Hercules Gomez/Ivelisse Velez defeated Rico Casanova/Super Crazy/Taya Valkyrie
3. Extreme Tiger beat Chessman
4. WWL Tag Titles: Los Mamitos (Mr. E & Sexy B) beat Crazy Boy & Joe Lider to retain their titles.
5. The Psycho Circus (Monster Clown/Murder Clown/Psycho Clown) battled Los Boricuas (Huracan Castillo Jr./Miguel Perez Jr./Savio Vega) to a double countout
6. Carlito Colon defeated Blue Demon Jr. & La Parka Jr. by pinning Parka of course.
7. Mil Mascaras/Hijo del Dos Caras/Sicodelico Jr. beat La Familia Dinamita (Cien Caras Jr./Mascara Ano Dos Mil/Universo Dos Mil) by DQ after a double foule by the Dinamitas. The Clowns & Boricuas ran out afterwards for a brawl.
8. WWL Heavyweight Title: John Morrison defeated Monster Pain by countout after a stage dive took him out. Pain retained his title by countout.

WWL 9/8 – Arena Coliseo de Monterrey
1. Hijo del Canek/Heddi Karaoui/Zumbi beat Laredo Kid/Super Laredo/Vengador Radioactivo
2. Taya Valkyrie defeated Ivelisse Velez
3. Damian 666 beat Chessman
4. 3 Way Dance por el WWL Tag Titles: Apolo & Hercules Gomez beat Los Mamitos (Mr. E & Sexy B) defeated Crazy Boy & Joe Lider but Rico Casanova (rudo GM) came out and said that per his decision the titles wouldn’t change hands so the Mamitos stayed champs.
5. Los Boricuas (Huracan Castillo Jr./Miguel Perez Jr./Savio Vega) defeated The Psycho Circus (Monster Clown/Murder Clown/Psycho Clown)
6. 3 Way Dance por el PWR Heavyweight Title: Blue Demon Jr. beat La Parka Jr. & Carlito Colon to retain his title.
7. WWL Heavyweight Title: Monster Pain defeated John Morrison by DQ to retain his title.
8. Mil Mascaras/Hijo del Dos Caras/Sicodelico Jr. beat La Familia Dinamita (Cien Caras Jr./Mascara Ano Dos Mil/Universo Dos Mil)