Axel stated on Tuesday that the courts have ruled in his favor regarding the name Nieto del Santo and he is now able to use it without Hijo del Santo trying to stop him. Axel said that Santo falsified records trying to show that he owned the name but the courts ruled that those documents were fake and that any son or grandson of Santo could use the name which could bring some confusion soon. Hijo del Santo’s own son has been training lately as Santo Jr.

EMLL had a mini press conference yesterday where they announced that Tiffany was going to work for REINA in Japan for a month starting on 8/22 which is a way for her to work while growing her hair back out. They also announced that Titan was getting a new look which should guarantee a push but who knows. The big story though is that Jose Luis Feliciano announced the Generacion 2012 list which is a group of young guys they bring to the forefront every year and they are the following:

Oro Jr.
Akuma 3:16 (Demus’ brother)
Espanto Jr. (yet another one but this is the son of the original Espanto Jr.)
Guerrero Negro Jr.
Herodes Jr.

Kevin Kleinrock at Masked Republic announced yesterday that Triplemania XX would be streaming for the next three Sunday afternoons at 2 PM on which coincidentally is the same time their show airs on Televisa.

LEGEND Promociones which announced Chris Masters would be working their show on 9/30 at Arena Lopez Mateos announced yesterday that Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero would also be making their return to Mexico on that show. The theme of this show is Mexico vs. The World.

Sangre Azteca had some surgery done on his knee that he injured on his yearly France trip and will be out of action for about a month.


CMLL 8/13 – Arena Puebla
1. Fuerza Chicana & Siki Osama Jr. beat Blue Center & Tigre Rojo Jr.
2. Bengala/Soberano/Stigma defeated Bobby Zavala/Los Hombres del Camoflaje (Artillero y Super Comando) with Stigma & Zavala heading to an apuestas match.
3. La Comandante/Princesa Sugei/Zeuxis beat Dalis la Caribena/Lluvia/Marcela
4. Lightning Match: Nosferatu defeated Sensei
5. Brazo de Plata/Hijo del Fantasma/Shocker beat Averno/Felino/Polvora
6. Revancha Match: Atlantis/La Sombra/Volador Jr. defeated Mascara Dorada/Mr. Niebla/Ultimo Guerrero when after being fouled by Niebla, Volador ripped off his mask and pinned him. This was the match of the night.

CMLL 8/14 – Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. El Divino & Virgo beat Evola & El Hippie
2. Disturbio & Inquisidor defeated Leo & Sky Kid
3. #1 Contender Torneo Cibernetico por el Occidental Middleweight Title – Block A: Smaker eliminated Arkangel de la Muerte to win. Order of Elimination: Black Metal/Escandalo/Triton/Demonio Maya/Starman/Arkangel de la Muerte
4. Psicosis & Rey Escorpion beat Hijo del Fantasma & Sagrado by DQ when Psicosis put his mask in Fantasma’s hands after he was fouled.
5. Mr. Niebla defeated Maximo in a comedy match basically.

CMLL 8/14 – Arena Mexico
1. Apocalipsis & Camorra beat Freesbee & Oro Jr.
2. Mini Fantasy/Nino de Acero/Shockercito defeated Mercurio/Pequeno Violencia/Universito Dos Mil
3. Lightning Match: Artillero beat Robin
4. Hijo del Signo/Raziel/Virus defeated Hombre Bala Jr./Pegasso/Super Halcon Jr.
5. Angel de Oro/Delta/Guerrero Maya Jr. beat Misterioso II/Tiger/Vangelis
6. Diamante/La Sombra/Titan defeated Niebla Roja/Polvora/Ultimo Guerrero

Independent 8/12 – Arena Xalapa
1. Master beat Bucanero Infernal
2. Diamante Rojo & Zafiro Infernal defeated Fantasma del Espacio & Rey Infierno
3. Flyer Boy & Gabriel o Gabriela beat GMC & Peligro
4. Corsario de Fuego & Poseidon defeated Extremo & Vengador Radioactivo
5. Negro Navarro & Trauma II beat Solar I & Trauma I