In a recent episode of Being The Elite, All Elite Wrestling talent Matt Jackson addressed his recent injury, confirming that he suffered a partially torn bicep and that he has made the decision to not undergo surgery.

“You may have heard I suffered a torn bicep, it’s a partially torn bicep. After consulting with multiple doctors and wrestlers, other people in the industry who have suffered the exact same injury, I have decided not to do the surgery, instead as I said, we are on our way to LA to start other form of therapy.

These other forms of therapy shall turn what would have been months out on the shelf to only just weeks, that is the hope. I feel pretty good, I don’t know if I’m just a freak, Dana says I am, but I feel pretty good and my arm feels pretty good, so the hope is, let’s get in there, let’s do these other therapies, let’s do the PRP and let’s get back in the ring ASAP, that is the hope.”

The full episode is available at this link.