Our good friend Danny Alonso sent out note that according to the official Twitter Feed of the CMLL Promotion, Dragon Lee is set to become the Promotion’s new version of Mistico. Dragon Lee accepted the role of Mistico 2.0 after Fray Tormenta offered him said role. For those who don’t know, Fray Tormenta is a Catholic Priest who trained Mistico and was the inspiration behind the movie “Nacho Libre”.

Dragon Lee is the son of Toro Blanco and brother of current CMLL Luchador, Rush. Lee was the winner of the CMLL Promotion’s Bodybuilding Contest in the Beginners Categor and was a Member of the Promotion’s Generacion 2011 Faction.

Below is a brief Biography of Dragon Lee:
Name: Dragon Lee
Height: 5’9
Weight: 168 lbs.
Date of Birth: 1993