In a blog post on his official Facebook page, WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley offered his support for WWE superstar Adam Rose and said that the WWE should start pushing his character after he watched the ESPN E:60 “WWE: Beyond The Curtain” special.

“I loved the gimmick; I even offered to sign my legend’s contract if they let me and my kids make a cameo as part of the “Exotic Express”. I assumed, like any WWE NXT call-up with some years to his/her credit, that the guy had worked hard and overcome obstacles to get his shot, but until watching ESPN e60 “Behind the Curtain” documentary, I had no idea just how hard Rose had worked, just how many obstacles he had overcome – in both wrestling and in life.

Within minutes, I found myself rooting for Adam Rose as not just a wrestler, but as a person – as a husband and father trying to make a difference in not only the world of wrestling, but in the game of life. I just learned that the Rose character was influenced by Dude Love and that his previous Leo Kruger character was influenced by Mankind, maybe Mr. McMahon can take a page out of his 1997 playbook and afford Adam Rose’s real-life story the type of attention he afforded my own. For me, it was a game-changer, I think a similar setting could produce similar results for Rose and WWE. I strongly urge the powers-that-be to do not only what’s best for Adam Rose, but what’s best for business.”