WrestleReunion sent out the following:

We had to remove the auction with Maryse due to a misunderstanding with her management. It had NOTHING TO DO with the fake bids that occured in the last 24 hours. Our contract with Maryse, dating back several months, indicated she would be “introduced” at the live event. We understood that to mean we would introduce her on the mic and she would walk to ringside for the introduction. There was no further discussion of the matter until Friday afternoon when we received an email from her agent. They understand our agreement as her appearing in the audience and we can introduce her from the audience position.

We tried to work this out over the course of the weekend, but they were unwilling to concede and allow her to appear ringside. Because of this misunderstanding, this auction cannot occur as we advertised and therefore we have pulled it entirely. We apologize to all of Maryse’s fans that were feverishly bidding on this auction. Maryse will still do all her signings/autographs/pictures as scheduled on Saturday, but we have released her from any obligation of attending the live event on Saturday night.

Because of the Maryse fiasco, we have added a new auction to try and make up for it. 3 DAYS ONLY!!! You can be a corner man for “Boom Boom” Colt Cabana in his match against Fit Finlay. The match uses the rounds system, and each wrestler will need a corner man to give them water and a towel between rounds. We’re likely to do a “live” auction on Saturday for the corner man for Fit Finlay.

Here is the Colt Cabana link, good luck! http://www.ebay.com/itm/360428498951?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649