Olympic Gold Medalist Tamyra Mensah-Stock revealed in an interview with ESPN that she has signed with the WWE and reported to the WWE Performance Center this week.

Mensah-Stock, who appeared at WWE SummerSlam 2021 alongside Gable Steveson discussed her decision to sign the deal stating, “I didn’t want to end my career on that note, so I did another World Championships, I wiped the floor with everybody and I was like man, this is not fun any more, I need a change. Something in the back of my head that’s just been itching at me, a dream of mine for I don’t know how long, I just wanted to be in the WWE. I love watching the athletes just in the ring, just doing what they do best, I just see their personalities shine through the television and I see their strength, just everything about them resembles me, and I’ve just wanted to be a part of that.”

Mensah-Stock noted that her goal is to make it to WWE’s main roster within a year. The full interview is available at this link.