In a recent interview with SI Media with Jimmy Traina, Pat McAfee discussed several topics, and revealed that he remains in discussions with the WWE in regards to him making a potential return to the company.
“So, you know myself, Michael Cole, Nick Khan, Kevin Dunn, Hunter Hearst Helmsley (Triple H), Vincent Kennedy McMahon, we all are still very much in contact with each other, two of those men, Nick Khan and Vince, were people that when I had a question about something that was going on through this whole process, very much answered my questions and said, Vince gave me a stern ‘DO NOT’ for one thing that I was thinking about doing, because I did not appreciate the way something was kind of laid out by one particular person in a company that I was kind of negotiating with, and everything like that, so I sent a question, this was said, am I allowed to say this back, and it took a couple of hours and I got a ‘DO NOT’, period and then, it was like, now is not the time or something like that and I’m like okay, okay, f***.
Business-wise, I will listen to him and then Nick, same thing, it’ll be another situation, because Nick comes from the sports media world obviously, so Nick knows pretty much all of these humans that I was kind of talking to, and everything like that, Nick Khan was like a ghost in this thing where I’d be like, this person, what type of person are they and that type of stuff and he would send me back like boom, boom, bang, pow, think about this, thank you.
It’s like my relationship with the WWE, I don’t want to say it’s stronger than it’s ever been, but it’s actually stronger than it’s ever been and we are all very much talking about how I get back into the universe, because I love it. We talked about this earlier, I love it, I think I’m good at it, I think I’m supposed to be in there, I understand why people are doing things, I think that’s why commentating was a good spot for me alongside Michael Cole, the greatest of all-time. Getting to get stunned by Stone Cold Steve Austin, I lived out like dream after dream after dream over there, I love that place, our relationship is very strong, so I know you said you can say anything to that, but actually, I think we’re working, we’re all trying to figure it out.”
The interview is available in full at this link.