Celtic Championship Wrestling, Ireland’s newest professional wrestling company, held their debut event, CCW: Showdown in Bishopstown at the Bishopstown GAA Club in Cork, Ireland tonight that featured an awesome card from top to bottom and with tickets priced at €12 for Adults and €10 for Children, affordable wrestling for the whole family.

The show opened with Siren welcoming us to the show hyping up the main event of the night featuring Bingo Ballance vs. J.C. Williams vs. Insano vs. Irish Dragon, as well as the Shawn Maxer vs. Vic Viper match, the first time the two have ever met in their careers to date.

Dunkan Disorderly vs. “The Lone Wolf” Lycan
This was the first match of the evening featuring the highly-popular Dunkan in action against “The Lone Wolf” Lycan, who drew a few Undertaker chants due to his appearance. Lycan started this off strong working on Dunkan and using his size to his advantage. Lycan caught Dunkan in a bear hug, however Dunkan escaped and hit a few moves of his own before Lycan came back and got the upper hand once again. Lycan worked over Dunkan in the corner and then attempted to hit his finisher, however Dunkan reversed and gained momentum before hitting his own finisher and picking up the win, followed by YES chants, which were prevalent throughout the night.

Winner: Dunkan Disorderly.

Siren came back to the ring to introduce the next match, however Vic Viper’s music hit and he came out and said that he hated being in Cork and after tonight he’s heading back home to Dublin and away from the dump of an area that Cork is. Vic then said that later tonight he faces off against Sean “Maxer” Brennan and that he’s going to show who is the better man (first time ever match here folks). Siren then came back in the ring and introduced the next match.

The Executioner vs. Space Cadet
Space Cadet really reminded me of Jigsaw from CHIKARA based off his appearance, however the doll that he had in his hand reminded me of MsChif’s actions. The Executioner looks like one should look, however he bares a resemblance to early Demolition with his attire. This match was over as soon as it started with the 300lbs Executioner demolishing Space Cadet, which saw him hit a Black Hole Slam for the victory.

Winner: The Executioner.

Bonesaw, Thunder & Lightning vs. Hardshaw and The Smokin’ Aces
Hardshaw and The Smokin’ Aces were out first as Bonesaw then came out without tag team partner’s before telling the referee to wait and not count him out as he went to the back and brought Thunder and Lightning out as his tag partners. Smokin’ Aces and Hardshaw started this one out strong getting the advantage early on and using the referee’s distraction to their advantage, however things soon escalated into a 6-man brawl inside the ring, which saw The Smokin’ Aces and Hardshaw being sent to the outside and Thunder and Lightning hitting a double suicide dive on the trio, followed by Bonesaw hitting an Axe Handle from the top onto Hardshaw. The action then returned to the ring and saw Thunder and Lightning work on The Smokin’ Aces as Hardshaw was tagged in. Bonesaw and Lightning sent The Smokin’ Aces to the mat as Thunder applied the submission for the victory.

Winners: Bonesaw, Thunder and Lightning.

Following the match The Smokin’ Aces argued with Hardshaw before attacking him and celebrating. One half of the Smokin’ Aces went under the ring and looked for something, as what appeared to many as a fan stood up and contemplated entering the ring. As one half of the Smokin’ Aces (I believe Karl Brien) picked up a pipe, the “fan” stopped him and entered the ring laying out The Smokin’ Aces. The “fan” then got on the mic and said that he is Danny “The Pain” Deans and no one attacks his good friend Harry Hardshaw. Deans then said that the next time CCW are in action, he issues a challenge to the Smokin’ Aces which they accepted. There was then a brief intermission to allow fans to purchase drinks and merchandise.

Celtic Championship Wrestling’s owner and chairman Lee Cahalane was then introduced and thanked fans for their support of the promotion and noted that the company will have an announcement later tonight on the next event.

Shawn Maxer vs. Vic Viper
This was definitely match of the night and the crowd ate it up with chants of “Vic’s a prick” aimed at Viper and “RVD” chants aimed at Maxer who bears a slight resemblance to the TNA Wrestling superstar. Even the referee got some Y2J chants due to his appearance. Viper really plays a great heel and reacted wonderfully to the chants aimed at him. A very stiff match which saw Vic work on Maxer on the ropes early on before working on him in the corner. Vic went to go up top for a superplex, however Maxer countered it and worked over Viper. The action shifted back to Viper again who hit a shining wizard on Maxer for a two count. Maxer got the upper hand and sent Vic to the outside before cannonballing over the top rope onto Viper which drew “holy s***” and “CCW” chants. The action returned to the ring as the fans continued their chants with “This Is Awesome”. The acction returned to the ring as Maxer hit a crossbody on Vic for a two count and worked him over before taking advantage of the fan’s chants and hitting a 5-star frog splash for another two count. After a bit of back and forth which saw Maxer kiss Vic’s manager, Vic hit his finisher and picked up the victory.

Winner: Vic Viper.

Bingo Ballance vs. Insano vs. J.C. Williams vs. Irish Dragon
It was now time for the main event of the evening. Starting off Williams and Insano tried to talk things over with Bingo and have the three of them immediately take out Irish Dragon, however Bingo was having none of it and sided with Dragon, which saw this match early on become a tag team match in essence. Bingo and Dragon gained the upper hand and sent Insano and Williams to the outside. Williams then grabbed a chair and sat down at ringside as Insano went back to the ring. Insano managed to get the upper hand and sent Irish Dragon to the outside as he worked on Bingo Ballance, which brought Williams back into the action as both men worked over Bingo and kept Dragon out of the action attacking him every time he tried to enter the ring. Bingo managed to get some momentum going and Dragon entered the ring, however both were soon back on the outside. Dragon entered the ring and tried to take down Insano, who countered his attacks and hit a suplex on the underdog. Bingo back in the ring, followed by Williams as Bingo took Williams to the floor and Insano took down Dragon. Both Insano and Bingo went up top and hit splashes, which drew a double 2 count (broken by Insano as he saw Bingo making the pin). With both Williams and Dragon down, Bingo hit his finisher and picked up the victory.

Winner: Bingo Ballance.

Following the match The Executioner came out to the ring and looked at all 4 men, then teased a potential match against Bingo Ballance at the next event. It was then announced that Celtic Championship Wrestling will return to the Bishopstown GAA Club on October 28th for the next event.

Photos from the event are below: