In recent weeks, Zack Ryder has become more vocal with his frustrations with the WWE. It’s no secret that Zack Ryder feels he is not being utilized properly within WWE.
From his lack of television time, to his failed US Championship title run last year, Ryder has become ever more frustrated with the WWE. During the first Raw of the year, Ryder went on a Twitter rant when he was not listed on a graphic of WWE superstars with the most twitter followers. He also ended his popular YouTube show, “Z! True Long Island Story,” even claiming that he would not allow “the WWE to ruin his show.”
Ryder took another jab at the WWE today, sarcastically pointing out that he probably will not be on Raw this evening.
Ryder posted on his official Twitter account:
It’s Monday. You know what that means. R………eally good catering.
— Zack Ryder (@ZackRyder) January 21, 2013