In a recent interview with Ryan Satin as part of the Out Of Character podcast, WWE SmackDown superstar Santos Escobar discussed several topics, including the LWO (Latino World Order) returning, why Triple H initially rejected the idea when he first joined WWE NXT and more.

“I’ve always thought that as a minority, we have to stay together somehow to represent who we are, where we come from and what we’re about, and if we present those three every time we go out there, eventually everyone will know what lucha libre is, who I am, where I come from and all these rules and regulations and traditions that lucha libre has.

The very first conversation I had with Triple H, he asked me what do you want to do and I told him can I bring back the LWO, and before I said the letter O, he said no, I want you to be you and I want people to see you and not think of anybody else, I want you to think of something, you want a group, we can do a group, but write something down, think about it, give it to me and we will see. That kind of shut down my initial desire, but Triple H was right, the time wasn’t right, it wouldn’t have been what it is right now, and also, it needed a very important ingredient, an OG, an original LWO member and that’s Rey.

That’s why Legado came about and it was beautiful, it gave me the opportunity to do everything I wanted to do, who I am, where I come from, what I’m about and that’s what I did every single time I was out there, every promo, every backstage, every scene, every feud, rivalry, was letting people know that I’m all about lucha libre, that lucha libre is about tradition, heritage, culture, familia, all the values that you have, whether you are Mexican, Latino or not, are the values I had, we relate and that’s how Legado got over, that’s how Santos got really over on NXT, because everything I say, it’s real.”

The full interview is available at this link.