In a recent Twitch stream, All Elite Wrestling star Saraya (the former Paige in WWE) revealed that she never spoke with the WWE about the potential of her wrestling again prior to her officially signing with All Elite Wrestling.

“We never had that discussion, I never had that discussion with WWE because they let me go. I’ve been working years to better myself and be healthier and stronger.

Me, mentally, I never brought it up because I had this mental block. I want to be as safe as possible, I know what my body can do. Me and WWE never had that discussion about having a match, I never brought it up to them about me potentially wrestling.

If I was to talk to them about it, I’m sure they would do the research. I wasn’t mentally ready, it still makes me nervous, but I’m way smarter about it, I know what I can and can’t do, I’m not expecting to do six German Suplexes off the top, I’m not that wrestler anyway.

I’m not looking to bump around like crazy, like I did before, I need to make adjustments and be smart about it, I’m very aware of what I can and can’t do.”