In a recent interview with Variety, WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion Sasha Banks discussed several topics, including her current reign as the Champion.

“It feels so much different this time around. I feel like ever since I came back from my little break where I really just tried to find my passion again, my wrestling has just been *mwah* chef’s kiss. I mean, I’ve always been great, amazing, but the seasonings that I’ve been adding in 2020 have just been tasting so freakin’ good that I just cannot stop and I cannot wait to do more.

Being the SmackDown Women’s Champion, that means I am completely the best. I always say ‘I’m the best.’ I really know 100% that I am the greatest wrestler of all time, but I have so many new competitors. I look forward to facing so many new faces, so many new matchups, and it really lets me go to sleep dreaming of excitement for every Friday night knowing what I’m going to have.”

The interview is available in full at this link.