WWE have announced that WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels will make an appearance during tonight’s Monday Night RAW broadcast as part of a Miz TV segment also featuring Dolph Ziggler and The Miz.

The full announcement is below:

Ziggler and Michaels to come face-to-face on “Miz TV”

The rivalry between The Miz and Dolph Ziggler is going back to its roots on tonight’s Raw: with an installment of “Miz TV.”

Ostensibly dedicated to a contract signing for Miz and Ziggler’s SummerSlam bout this Sunday, the confab is unlikely to stay quite so straightforward thanks to the presence of Shawn Michaels, who will be joining The A-Lister and The Showoff for the signing.

Given that this all began because of an errant superkick that took out the two-time Hall of Famer, this is setting up to be a delicate situation even by the standards of contract signings. And all it will take is one spark for this powder keg to explode.