The following results are from a recent SHIMMER Women Athletes taping. The event took place on October 20th, 2018 at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois.
Singles Match
KC Spinelli defeated Holidead.
#1 Contender’s Match For The SHIMMER Tag Team Championships
The Blue Nation (Charli Evans & Jessica Troy) defeated The Killer Death Machines (Jessicka Havok & Nevaeh).
Singles Match
Solo Darling defeated Sierra.
Singles Match
Willow Nightingale defeated Dynamite DiDi.
Singles Match
LuFisto defeated Shazza McKenzie.
Singles Match
Samantha Heights defeated Zoe Lucas.
Singles Match
Kay Lee Ray defeated Hyan.
SHIMMER Tag Team Championships Match
Totally Tubular Tag Team (Leva Bates & Delilah Doom) (c) vs. Cheerleader Melissa & Mercedes Martinez was declared a no contest.
Heart Of SHIMMER Championship Match
Dust (w/Rosemary) (c) defeated Rachael Ellering.
SHIMMER Championship Match
Nicole Savoy (c) defeated Viper.