The following results are from a recent TNA Impact Wrestling TV Taping. The taping took place at Wembley Arena on January 28th, 2012 in London, England and will air on February 2nd, 2012 at 9pm Eastern on Spike TV.

Pre-Show Segment
Dixie Carter came out before the show to thank the crowd for coming and stated that TNA Wrestling has always wanted to do this and feed the UK fans with a live event and that this is history for the company and she is proud of the company’s success and that this is happening tonight. Dixie then talked about the relationship with Challenge TV and said they are a great partner before talking about the German and French TNA TV partners and said that she hopes everyone enjoys the night.

Opening Segment
Bully Ray and Bobby Roode came out to open the show and talked up how they are two of TNA’s greatest wrestlers before passing remarks on the UK crod. James Storm and Sting came out with Sting announcing that Bobby Roode, Bully Ray, James Storm and Jeff Hardy will face off in a Fatal Four Way Match at TNA Against All Odds and that James Storm will compete twice tonight against Bobby Roode and Bully Ray.

Buckingham Brawl Tag Team Match
Magnus and Samoa Joe defeated Matt Morgan and Crimson.

Singles Match
Austin Aries defeated Mark Haskins. Haskins took a nasty bump when attempting a Shooting Star Press and had a few people out of their seats ready to check on him. No “X” signal was given however following the match, Christy Hemme immediately checked on him, before he was carried out.

Singles Match
Bobby Roode defeated James Storm. Following the match, Bully Ray and Bobby Roode attacked Storm until Sting came out to make the save.

In Ring Segment
Eric Bischoff came out to the ring and called out Garrett Bischoff telling him that his trainer won’t be in London tonight to help him. Fans started chanting Hogan’s name as Garrett received an in-ring phone call to state that the trainer has arrived at Wembley Arena and will call out Eric Bischoff later on tonight.

Singles Match
Tara defeated Gail Kim.

Singles Match
James Storm defeated Bully Ray.

In Ring Segment
Garrett Bischoff came out and said that it is time for him to announce who his trainer is, however before he could comment further Eric Bischoff and Gunner came out. Garrett’s trainer Hulk Hogan came out, which led to a small brawl.