The following results are from a recent TNA: One Night Only pay-per-view taping. The taping took place on February 15th, 2015 at the Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.

Opening Statement
Before the show got underway it was announced that whoever won the first six matches of the night would earn spots in a Ultimate X match for a shot at X-Division Championship on a later date.

Singles Match
Tigre Uno defeated Sonjay Dutt.

Triple Threat Match
Kenny King defeated Pepper Parks & Jay Rios

Singles Match
Manik defeated John Yurnit.

Singles Match
Rockstar Spud defeated Dalton Castle.

Triple Threat Match
Crazzy Steve defeated Jonathan Cruz & Sanada.

Singles Match
DJ Zema Ion defeated Mikaze.

TNA Knockouts #1 Contendership: Ladder Match
Taryn Terrell defeated Brooke Tessmacher, Gail Kim, Angelina Love and Madison Rayne.

Singles Match
Davey Richards defeated Eddie Edwards.

Main Event: Ultimate X
Rockstar Spudd defeated Steve, DJ Z, King, Uno and Manik.

Spudd now has earned an opportunity at the X-Division Championship.