The following results are from a recent WWE SmackDown TV Taping. The taping took place at the Roanoke Civic Center on May 9th, 2012 in Roanoke, Virginia and will air on May 10th, 2012 at 8pm Eastern on the SyFy Network.

Tag Team Match
Sheamus and Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho and Alberto del Rio was declared a no contest as all four men engaged in a brawl. WWE referees and officials came out to the ring to stop it.

Singles Match
AJ defeated Kaitlyn. Following the match Daniel Bryan’s music hit, which surprised AJ. Bryan got on the mic and told AJ that when he wins the WWE Championship from CM Punk at WWE Over the Limit, he’s moving on to Kaitlyn.

Singles Match
Daniel Bryan defeated The Big Show. John Laurinaitis was at ringside and done something similar to a “Montreal Screwjob” by quickly announcing Bryan as the winner. Laurinaitis then requested that The Big Show apologizes to him once again

Singles Match
Ryback defeated Heath Slater.

Singles Match
Antonio Cesaro (w/Aksana) defeated Alex Riley. Teddy Long was the ring announcer and following the match Cesaro and Aksana kissed in the ring once again in front of Teddy.

Singles Match
Randy Orton vs. Alberto del Rio was declared a no contest as Ricardo Rodriguez attacked Randy Orton prior to the bell ringing. Ricardo then attempted a cross-body from the rop rope, however Orton hit him with an RKO. Del Rio then entered the ring and hit the cross armbreaker on Orton.

Singles Match
R-Truth (w/Kofi Kingston) defeated Jack Swagger (w/Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero).

Tag Team Match
Titus O’Neil and Darren Young defeated Zack Ryder and Santino Marella. Immediately following this Matt Striker interviewed Damien Sandow in regards to him not competing against Derrick Bateman last week, which led to Ryback coming out as his replacement.

Singles Match
Brodus Clay defeated Hunico (w/Camacho).

Singles Match
Sheamus defeated Chris Jericho via disqualification due to interference from Alberto del Rio. Randy Orton came out to make the save and attacked Del Rio. Jericho managed to escape up the entrance ramp as Randy Orton and Sheamus stared each other down to end the show.