The following results are from a recent WWE SmackDown TV Taping. The taping took place on March 19th, 2013 at the US Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio and will air on March 22nd, 2013 at 8pm Eastern on the SyFy Network.

In Ring Segment
The Miz opens the show with Miz TV and introduces Sheamus and Randy Orton as his guests for the show, with all 3 discussing the possibility of The Big Show joining Sheamus and Randy Orton’s team at WrestleMania 29. Sheamus says that The Big Show saved them on RAW, but he still doesn’t trust him, while Orton notes that he doesn’t trust anyone. The Big Show’s music hit and he came to the ring. The Miz got on the mic and said that the 2 men don’t trust him and quite frankly, he hasn’t trusted him since their tag team dissolved. Big Show got on the mic and said that he should be added to the team and pleaded his case. Booker T came out and said that Sheamus, The Big Show and Randy Orton would be in a 6 man tag team match later in the evening, as a way to determine if all 3 can get along so close to WrestleMania and function as a team.

Singles Match
Mark Henry defeated Zack Ryder. Post-match, Henry picked up Ryder and hit numerous World’s Strongest Slams until Ryback made the save. Ryback entered the ring and clotheslined Henry to the outside, causing Henry to retreat up the entrace ramp to the back.

Backstage Segment
Teddy Long and Booker T are in the back, with Teddy asking Booker for his opinion on Ryback vs. Mark Henry at WrestleMania 29. Booker tells Teddy that he doesn’t like that Teddy worked with Vickie Guerrero to make the match a possibility since Teddy works for him, however Teddy fires back and tells Booker that his Hall of Fame induction has changed him.

Singles Match
Dolph Ziggler (w/Big E Langston) defeated Kofi Kingston. AJ Lee was on commentary for the match. Post-match, Big E Langston entered the ring and hit The Big End on Kofi.

Backstage Segment
Sheamus and The Big Show are in the back arguing over who will be the one to start their match tonight, however Randy Orton tells them that they need to focus and stop arguing amongst one another.

In Ring Segment
Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter came out, with Swagger welcoming everyone to his America. Zeb said that what happened to Ricardo Rodriguez was necessary, but its nothing like what will happen to Alberto del Rio at WrestleMania and that what happened on RAW should be a threat to everyone if they don’t agree with his and Jack’s views and that if bones need to be broken, then they will be broken. Swagger goes to talk, however Jericho’s music hits and he comes out for their match.

Singles Match
Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter) defeated Chris Jericho. Fandango got involved towards the end of the match, distracting Jericho and allowing Swagger to pick up the ring. Following the match, Fandango entered the ring and attacked Jericho and then hit a leg drop off the top rope onto Jericho. Fandango got on the mic and said that Jericho needs to learn how to pronounce his name.

Backstage Segment
Matt Striker interviewed The Big Show backstage and asked him if himself and Sheamus can get along and let the past slide. Big Show tells Striker that Randy Orton is right and that all 3 have been beaten down by The Shield and they need to trust each other.

Tag Team Match
Brodus Clay & Tensai vs. Team Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow) was declared a no contest.

Backstage Segment
Matt Striker interviewed Sheamus and Randy Orton and asked them if they can work with The Big Show, to which Sheamus said yes and that they need to trust one another once again.

Singles Match
The Miz defeated Antonio Cesaro. Wade Barrett was on commentary for the match. Post-match, The Miz locked the Figure Four on Cesaro and teased Barrett, who held up the Intercontinental Championship and walked off.

6 Man Tag Team Match
Sheamus, Randy Orton & The Big Show defeated 3MB (Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre & Jinder Mahal). Post-match, The Shield tried to enter the ring, however Orton, Show and Sheamus stood their ground. The Shield retreated to end the show.