Speaking through his official Facebook page, Luke Hawx responded to fans wondering if he will be appearing at the next newly-repackaged Extreme Rising show, however Hawx took issue with the promotion and discussed what it will take for him to return to the promotion.

“For the Extreme Rising/Reunion fans: Over the last couple of weeks I have had plenty of emails asking if I will be a part of the Dec.28th show….. My answer: Steve O’Neill has contacted me but we haven’t talked business.

The reason is I am still owed a good chunk of money from the Pittsburgh show. Only way I would do the show is if Im paid what I am owed and Shane Douglas is not involved! Shane is the reason they had the problems in the 1st place. I like Steve but doesn’t take away from the fact that I was screwed over on money and as a family man with 2 kids,wrestling is how I pay my bills,I don’t work a regular job so when I wasn’t paid it really put me behind. Steve assured me it would be fixed but I haven’t received a penny yet.

Therefore, if im paid ahead of time then Steve and I can talk business….. If not, I wont be there!”