WWE Hall of Famer Tammy Sytch’s (aka Sunny) hearing regarding the revocation of her parole that was initially scheduled for this Thursday has been postpoed until Thursday, August 23rd under Judge Joseph Matika in Carbon County, Pennsylvania at 1:15pm local time, according to a report from PWInsider.com.

For those unfamiliar with the story, a bench warrant was issued for Sytch’s arrest in the State of Pennsylvania on February 15th, while on that same day, the Carbon County Probation Department filed a motion to revoke her October 2018 parole.

Sytch had missed a scheduled drug test on February 11th and failed to report as directed to her parole officer, while she had also failed to maintain a stable residence or report her whereabouts. Court records at that time also indicated that while she made restituion payments of $120 in the months of October and November 2018 as part of an agreed-upon payment plan, she did not make any additional payments since then.