In a recent interview with The Lights Out podcast, WWE superstar Titus O’Neil commented on the news that he will co-host WrestleMania 37 on April 10th and April 11th alongside WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan and how WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon told him that it was only fitting for what he does in the community.

“Vince told me, you’re going to be hosting WrestleMania, it’s only right, this is your city, you do a lot in this community and people love you, we appreciate you in WWE and all you’ve done and continue to do to represent our company well, we think this will be a great spot for you.

It wasn’t something that I said, hey I need to be the host, it was here you go. I’ll hopefully get back into the ring with the right storyline, it’s not just about the wrestling, we aren’t called wrestlers for a reason, we’re called WWE superstars because there’s so much more that we do. I embrace every single role and part that I have, you can be on top and the Champ one minute, the next minute you could not be on TV for a few months, what are you going to do in between that, how are you going to be an asset to the company.

I’ve proven over 12 years that I’m more than just a wrestler and I can do more, that’s one o the reasons the decision was made to have me host WrestleMania with an iconic figure in WWE history, Hulk Hogan.”

The interview is available in full at this link.